What do Deadmaus, Kevin Smith, an army of diehard fps gamers, the hottest gaming streamers in the world and Amazon all have in common? Prime Day.
For Amazon's iconic Prime Day, BeCore allied PubG with Amazon Twitch. This 1000-person event was held in a warehouse decorated to mimic in-game environments, including PUBG props and interactive activities. Teams of players engaged in a tournament, live-streamed throughout the day. Guests immersed themselves in a treasure truck, themed food, and swag opportunities.
The rented warehouse was completely transformed as in-game PUBG Squad Showdown features were brought to life. These straight-from-the-game props and activities were unforgettable.
Between the Treasure Truck and live stream tournament, to the numerous celebrity musical guests and attendees, this event was atypical in all the right ways.
Agency: BeCore
Role: Creative Direction